Exponential this, accelerated that. I’m still feeling triggered by those words. I tend to see them as invitations to exceed sustainable work. More often than not, going at high speed (the result of acceleration and exponential thinking) causes us to miss things.

Think about the difference of driving a car on the highway compared to taking a walk on a trail. When you’re in the car, the only thing you can really pay attention to are things far away. You completely miss things near you because you’re passing them so quickly. When you’re on the trail, you have the ability to really take in your surroundings in detail, seeing all the textures and patterns in the natural world.

Perhaps this story can illustrate as well: The other day, I was trying to go shopping. To do that, I had to exit the alley behind the house onto city surface streets. Near the alley exit there is a telephone pole on the right, and on this day a car was parked on the left, so close that my car barely fit through the opening between the pole and the other car. What did I do to make sure neither car got any damage? I slowed down so I could check and re-check the distance between my side mirrors and the car and pole. Imagine if I had floored the gas pedal and just taken my best guess at how to steer. Most likely, that would have ended badly, either for my car or the other car.

Why do we rush so much in our lives? What are we chasing? Why is so much about acceleration and exponentiality?

Originally posted on 2023-08-14 at 21:14 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7096962269506375681

“To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind
There’s no comfort in the truth, pain is all you’ll find.”
– Andrew Ridgeley / George Michael

Such a poetic way to express the idea that we tend to see only what we already believe. And part of a massive 1980’s hit song to boot! #CarelessWhisper

Originally posted on 2023-08-14 at 15:31 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7096875904454303744

At the risk of being blasphemous: We are often asked to justify why it’s worth it to have us as agile practitioners/coaches/guides on payroll/contract. What value do we bring, since we don’t “do” anything? And we are asked to argue for our worth and show our value in a direct-line-causation-chain. I wonder if anyone ever asks that of middle managers (directors, senior directors, VP’s, etc.)?

If you take something like Esther Derby’s SEEM model (she’s my source for that, at least), how does someone who is charged with Enabling & Enhancing draw a direct-line-causation-chain to the value and outcomes of their work? Is it just assumed that that value is there? If so, why can’t it just be assumed that the same holds true for agile practitioners/coaches? I’m genuinely curious what your take on this might be.

#agile #coaching #value #worth #ComplexAdaptiveSystems #HumanSystemsDynamics

Originally posted on 2023-08-11 at 14:25 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7095772138409771008

For those of you who are fed up with paying for LinkedIn Premium while still being served ads and promotions: Get Tampermonkey for your browser and install this script – https://greasyfork.org /scripts/ 386859-linkedinnopromoted/ code/ LinkedInNoPromoted.user.js (spaces inserted to thwart LinkedIn’s redirection, so you’ll need to remove those from the URL) No guarantee that it will keep working, obviously, since LinkedIn may change how their site works at no notice.

Originally posted on 2023-08-10 at 23:06 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7095540917725499393

I’m so frustrated with LinkedIn being a major one-way street when it comes to data and information. I save items for later all the time, and it’s SO HARD to get them back out of LinkedIn. There is no RSS feed for the saved items, and no possibility (seemingly) to connect IFTTT or Zapier to pull stuff out. It’s almost literally a black hole. And I get the motivation – to drive traffic and eyeballs/attention. How about enabling such access for premium subscribers, LinkedIn?

Originally posted on 2023-08-10 at 22:23 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A7095530070638800896