I suspect that one of the reasons for most of us having “parts” to our personality is that at key parts of our lives something significant happened that got “locked” in our brain via memory. When we encounter those things again, our brain transports us back to the time of that “locking” / encoding, evoking who and what we “were” at that time.

Originally posted on 2021-11-23 at 13:03 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6868896795926372352

Let’s suppose for a moment that “design” is the way something is made. That includes physicality (size, color, shape, etc.) and other attributes (functionality, limitations, purpose, cost, joy of use, aesthetics, etc.) If that can be said to be true, then isn’t it also true that the maker is part of the design? And if the maker is a team, the team becomes part of the design. Isn’t that worth paying attention to if we desire good design?

Originally posted on 2021-11-10 at 14:31 via https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn%3Ali%3Ashare%3A6864207893336612864