For those of you who are fed up with paying for LinkedIn Premium while still being served ads and promotions: Get Tampermonkey for your browser and install this script – /scripts/ 386859-linkedinnopromoted/ code/ LinkedInNoPromoted.user.js (spaces inserted to thwart LinkedIn’s redirection, so you’ll need to remove those from the URL) No guarantee that it will keep working, obviously, since LinkedIn may change how their site works at no notice.

Originally posted on 2023-08-10 at 23:06 via

I’m so frustrated with LinkedIn being a major one-way street when it comes to data and information. I save items for later all the time, and it’s SO HARD to get them back out of LinkedIn. There is no RSS feed for the saved items, and no possibility (seemingly) to connect IFTTT or Zapier to pull stuff out. It’s almost literally a black hole. And I get the motivation – to drive traffic and eyeballs/attention. How about enabling such access for premium subscribers, LinkedIn?

Originally posted on 2023-08-10 at 22:23 via

I present to you the first “Nissen Conjecture” about “agile”: Most experienced agile practitioners/guides agree on 90% of whatever “agile” is, and the insidious perceived need for differentiation and “my unique value proposition” leads to most of the disagreements and arguments in the community.

Originally posted on 2023-08-08 at 22:54 via

I’ve made a slightly enhanced version of the #AgileCoachingGrowthWheel visualization tool encouraged by the feedback from both Fred Deichler and Michael K Sahota. You now get the self-mastery components as a column chart, and the page layout makes for less vertical scrolling. Pull from http://github. com/ GeekTieGuy/ AgileCoachingGrowthWheel_Radar (URL obfuscated to [hopefully] circumvent LinkedIn redirector)

Originally posted on 2023-08-04 at 21:48 via

For those of you who are using the Agile Coaching Growth Wheel (, and who want a visual way of depicting/tracking/marking progress, I’ve taken the work originally done by Fred Deichler with Google Sheets and created a simple web page that just takes care of the graphing. You can find it at It’s a bit primitive, but it can get the job done. #agilecoaching #growth

Originally posted on 2023-08-04 at 00:55 via